👀Brief 01 example: Strings to Storms

By Mungo Chambers

There is an irony that this article begins with early man's tools and ends with climate storms. It illustrates the journey to the climate problems we face today. How can we change this for the future? This is where the other slides provide an answer. They follow the theme of nature, looking at how nature can be used as a design inspiration, not just in an aesthetic sense but also through the understanding of its systems. This has become a point of reflection for my design work.

Neanderthal string

This Journey starts with a piece of 50,000-year-old string that was recently found in a cave in France. Its made out of inner tree bark using tools made of stone. Archeologists were able to conclude that te Neanderthals had a detailed ecological understanding of trees and how to transform them into entirely different functional substances.

Living Bridges

Researching into indegineous technologies i found the Khasi tribe of Northern India who live in the worlds wettest place where during monsoon villages are cut off by flood waters. To over come this they build living bridges connected by tree roots They train the roots across scaffolding. The bridges last 100s of years. The only type of bridge to bbe monsoon proof.

Trees crown shyness

Crown Shyness is the phenomenon of trees withdrawing their leaves from other trees. This allows them to increase their exposure to light and optimise the process of photosynthesis. I like the random natural patterns this forms.


Recently I had the exciting task of re potting my cactus. I find the way the roots form in the shape of the pot fascinating this root system almost wanting to burst. This system of roots is know as Rhizome they grow out from axillary buds horizontaly. I often forget to water it and this has had a positive effect on its growth.

Mushroom Chair

Philip Ross is an inventor who is using mushrooms to grow leathers, artificial woods and this chair. The process begins with sawdust and other waste materials the myscillian roots eats this in controlled conditions this turns into mushrooms that grows at an exponential rate. They ave a variation in properties and has the potential to be a substitute for less efficient materials.


In James Camerons 2009 movie Avatar all organisms are connected they communicate and collectively manage resources. There is in fact truth to this in the real world. Mycelium are root like fibres that connect plants in the 'nature internet'. This allows trees and plants to talk and help one and another.


This is a type of coral called Ctenella chagius its found in the Indian Ocean, Its patterned groves mean it resembles a brain. Corals comprise an ancient and unique partnership, called 'symbiosis' that benefits animal and plant life helping each other to survive.


This process takes the minerals out of sea water and attached them to a thin steel frame using a electric current this is called electrodeposition. This can create large strong structures with minimum material. Similar to that of reinforced concrete. Currently it is being used in an architecture project for a theater space. Made with the same material as shells.

Hermit Crabs

This is an image of hermit crabs waiting to jump into the next size of shell. When the largest ermit crab comes along a a chain reacting of shell swapping happens. This reminds me of us humans wanting to swap out and update our clothing, a habit the fashion industry thrives on.

The Mayfly Shoe

The Mayfly shoe designed by nike to last no more than 100km of use. Gets its name due to the short lifespan. It shocked me how Nike were so transparent in their plan for obsolescence. Thankfully they have finished production. However This planned obsolescence is still seen across the industry.

Trigger's Broom

Unlike the mayfly shoe, Trigger managed to hold onto his same old broom for 30 years.

Only its had 17 new heads and 14 new handles. This begs the question is it still the same broom?

Zen Gardens

Zen Gardens invented by Buddhist monks are miniature landscapes their components symbolise aspects of nature raked gravel represent ocean waves, mini trees and rocks represent land. They are a lot of work to make and maintain. This practice is used for meditation and finding balance.


Here is me balancing on a slackline on India's coastline. Balance is a situation in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions. Occasionally i would get distracted by a falling cocconut and would get catapulted of it.


The Slingshot has been used as a hunting tool and in defence. They are often used in protests. Imbalances between people and government leads to resistance and revolution. How long until us students speak up and marc in revolt about fees and rents during this pandemic.

Färgrik Mug

Alternativly we can sitt back have a tea and wait for all this to blow over. This is Ikeas Färgrik mug it underwent at least 3 redesigns to make it more efficient at fitting on a pallet. They increased from fitting 864 mugs to 2024. This reducing shipping costs 60%.

Cargo Shipping

Each dot on this map is a cargo ship. Cargo ships carry the weight off the global economy sadly this comes at a cost, the shipping industry produces a million tonnes of co2 everyday. At any one time there are over 50,000 ships moving along networked routes between ports.

Map of the Interent

This is a map of internet connections from 1999, of course today this is an even more complex web of nodes enabling humans to work together and stay connected. Alowing us to instantly share data amongst ourselves.

Ants Algorithm

The algorithm ants are using to discover how much food there is available is essentially the same as the protocols that are used for managing the flow of data. Ants have an incredible strength to weight ratio lift 10-50x their own weight.


Graphene has the best strength weight ratio of any material it is made up of a hexagonal structure this can be used as a net to catch molecules. ust under a tird of te world population doesn't ave access to clean water. Labs have successfully filtered seawater catching 99% of salt and pollutants. They are working on tech to scale it up.

Saturn's Storms

This imagery from NASA's Cassani spacecraft shows the storms on Saturns north pole producing a hexagonal shape. Forces at 120degrees are in balance with one another. Nature has a way of using simple rules to create elegant solutions.


50,000-year-old string found at France Neanderthal site

Available from: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-52267383

How to build a resilient future

Available from: https://www.ted.com/talks/julia_watson_how_to_build_a_resilient_future_using_ancient_wisdom/transcript?language=en#t-94257

Trees avoid touching each other

Available from: https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/did-you-know/trees-avoid-touching-each-other-due-crown-shyness-results-are-beautiful-webs-leaves

Cactus Roots Personal photo

The Fungi in your future

Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBXGFOk5_Rs&list=PLB2w1JNHV4HTVHm1eADOWXuTnSCJ5TuAz****

Plants talk to each other using an internet of fungus

Available from: http://www.bbc.co.uk/earth/story/20141111-plants-have-a-hidden-internet

What are brain corals?

Available from: https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/brain-coral.html

Biomimicry enables architects to make "positive impact" on the environment says Michael Pawlyn

Available from: https://www.dezeen.com/2020/10/22/michael-pawlyn-exploration-architecture-dassault-systemes-video/

Hermit crab house swap

Available from: http://www.bbc.co.uk/earth/story/20141103-hermit-crab#

The original Nike Mayfly

Available from: http://www.triple-white.com/2016/09/27/10-fun-facts-nike-mayfly/

Trigger's Broom

Available from:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUl6PooveJE

How to Make a Zen Garden

Available from: https://www.thespruce.com/zen-garden-4580499

Slacklining Personal photo

Police battle protesters as strike cripples Hong Kong

Available from: https://www.reuters.com/news/picture/police-battle-protesters-as-strike-cripp-idUSRTX728J3


Available from: https://nocloudinthesky.files.wordpress.com/2017/01/ikea-mug-jane.pdf

The Ship Map

Available from: https://www.shipmap.org/

Understanding Complex Systems: A Communication Networks Perspective

Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Full-Internet-map-of-29-June-1999-After-34_fig5_228362278

Ants Invented the Internet Millions of Years Ago

Available from: https://www.govtech.com/e-government/Ants-Invented-Internet-Millions-of-Years-Ago.html?fbclid=IwAR3kZKlVup4FM3nhNy2xCaUVtTxtmxxFsR3LrUfKk80D-UJceb9p3lKtJ94

Graphene for Water Sanitisation – A Miracle Material

Available from: https://www.mynewlab.com/blog/graphene-for-water-sanitisation-a-miracle-material/

Saturn's Famous Hexagon May Tower Above the Clouds

Available from: https://www.nasa.gov/feature/jpl/saturns-famous-hexagon-may-tower-above-the-clouds

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