
This activity is a great opportunity to get to know yourself and those around you


Distributed Designers work in teams, studios and across networks, it is important to begin your projects in a positive, values-driven way to create and understand your own and others personal connection to work. These orientation activities are about showing who you are to others and setting yourself up to start.

✏Activity 1: Make your space

Before you start, you need to make your space. In distributed design we think with our hands. It is important to be in a creative mindset and this requires creative space. This might mean different things to different people. A studio will be more than a place to put a laptop. Spend some time curating, photographing and labeling your studio space. Where will you be making? How will your shared space encourage collaboration and creativity?

✏Activity 2: Hand drawn supply chain

To understand the bigger system in which our work sits we need to consider the history, the societal values and assumptions of that system. Activities like supply chain mapping help us see the wider view.

Choose an product personal to you or simply in your possession. And hand draw a supply chain for it. Try and include impacts on people planet and profit.

✏Activity 3: Supply chain of Me

A Supply chain is the system that makes up the production of a product from raw material, manufacture to distribution. What are the materials that make you?

Copy this Miro board into your own to fill it in

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